Well, my first Iron Butt Saddle Sore 1000 (1000 miles in <24 hours) is done!
I left Beaverton Oregon at 3:32am on Friday September 5th, rode to Bliss, Idaho, and returned to Beaverton at 9:07pm. All went very well, and wrote up a little recap of the trip, with tips and hints at the end.
Total trip time: 16 hours 44 minutes, 15:21 moving, 1:22 stopped.
Miles ridden: 1,080 (odometer), 1,062 (GPS)
Temperature range 32f (0C) to 82f (28C)
An Iron Butt Saddle Sore 1000 ride is a fully documented ride, where you ride at least 1,000 miles in 24 hours or less. The ride is verified and checked before an award is issued.
I'm sure that I spent a lot more time planning this trip than I did
actually on the trip. I was originally going to do this trip last year
with a friend, but he was unable to make it.
Since I had decided to do the
trip solo, I wanted to make it with as much Interstate travel as possible.
I also wanted to have as much of the ride in unfamiliar area to be during
daylight as possible.
Thus was born, "The Plan". Leave Beaverton on a Friday around 3:30am, Arrive in Idaho around noon, and return home around 11pm.
The plan: (of course, it is in a spreadsheet...)
And Mapquest
Most of the planning was centered around how to get >500 miles out, and where to get fuel. It took version 3 of the plan, that looked like it would work. (Note; make sure that your fuel stops will be open when you get there. That caused a rewrite of version 2 :-)
I knew that I would be stopping a lot more often than I needed for fuel on the first part of the trip, but I was combining fuel stops, rest stops, and meal stops all together. That, along with my sense of risk management seemed prudent.
A special thanks to Michele, who was okay with me waking her up to sign my witness form at 3:20am.
I left the house shortly after that, to head for my first fuel stop to "Start the clock" on the trip. Filled the tank at 3:36am, logged the odometer at 16,533, and started out, with my ipod playing in the helmet, and GPS tracking.
Headed across Portland to Interstate 84, heading east. It was still very dark, and a little cool, but not cold. My next stop was in The Dalles, Oregon where I topped off the tank at 5:15am, with 16,631 miles on the odo.
Next stop, Boardman, Oregon topping off again at 6:30am with 16,710 on the odo. While stopped, I grabbed a bite to eat, and headed east.
Less than an hour later, I was starting to feel a little fatigue, as well as chilled as I was starting the climb into the mountains. Part of my plan was to stop as soon as possible if I felt fatigue, as I'd rather abort the trip rather than getting myself in trouble. I took my 1st unscheduled stop at 7:25am at the Arrowhead Travel Plaza near one of the casinos. After taking a walk, eating a little more, and plugging the gerbing (heated jacked and gloves) in, I was ready to go.
Between the warmth, walk, and more food, I was a lot more alert and ready to go. This was the only issue with fatigue that I had during the entire trip.
There was about 10 miles of construction zone before getting to La Grande, but other than the speed reduction, it was clear to my next fuel stop there at 8:15am, with 16,811 on the odo. Next stop, Idaho!
Idaho, here I am. I'm looking forward to the 80mph speed limits, however that is cut short by all of the construction, as well as all of the law enforcement with speed traps everywhere. Once past Boise though, it was a lot better, and back up to speed.
Stopped in Caldwell, ID for fuel and a short break at 11:20am (Mountain time zone) with 16,958 on the odo.
Next stop is my turn-around point, Bliss, Idaho. I arrive at 1:09pm (Mountain), fill up, with 17,073 on the odo, and head to the restaurant for lunch. Oops. the restaurant is closed. They do have a quick-shop at the fuel station, where I grab something to eat, take a walk, and call Michele to check-in. At 1:30pm(Mountain) I started the trek back toward Oregon.
On the way out, I stopped a lot more often for fuel than I needed to, but heading back, and now knowing where I could get fuel, my plan was just get fuel when I really needed to. I was carrying a 1 gallon fuel can (which I never needed), so I was okay with cutting things a little closer.
Rode thru Idaho, and stopped in Oregon at the Sisley Creek rest stop for a break at 3:10pm (Pacific time zone). This was my longest single stretch, at 3 hours, but I was well rested from my previous stop, and was heading home. Gas was getting low, but Baker City was in range.
Next stop was Baker City for fuel at 3:46pm (Pacific) with 17,292 on the odo. Turns out I still had 0.9 gallons left after riding 219 miles. After a short break, it was back to the Interstate.
Time for another rest stop at Oregon's Ladd Creek at 4:30pm. Time for dinner and another walk.
Boardman, I am back! At the same fuel station as the way out, I stop at 6:20pm for fuel and a snack, with 17,436 on the odo. After checking the GPS, I definitely have enough fuel to get back to my final stop in Beaverton, so off I go!
While on the way home, the thought crosses my mind .. There is an award for a 1,500 mile ride in 36 hours. I could head home, take a shower and nap, and then be back by 3:30pm from an extra 500 mile ride. Nawwwww.... Not this time.
Another long segment, but it was the final leg. I arrived back in Beaverton at 9:02pm, with 17,613 on the odo. A few minutes later, I'm home, and the motorcycle is in the garage.
The final route: (Note "A" and "I" are at the same place, as is "C" and "H")
Spot track:
Okay, the trip is done, and I've written up my documentation. Time to head out on a short fun ride in the twisties!
Tips and hints for longer riding like this.
Clean your helmet before it looks like (real pic from my final leg home);
Jeff - Aloha, Oregon USA